Whatever it is, your journey is the story you tell. How you choose to tell your story makes all the difference. Welcome to a new chapter…
Residential Treatment Program Description
The substance use disorder program at New Life Treatment Center consists of educational presentations and group therapy sessions dealing with life and substance use disorder. Some of the educational presentation topics may include:
Progression of CD & Effects on Feelings
Definition of Substance Use Disorder Disease
Concept of Chemical Dependency
Communication - Rebuilding in Recovery
Symptoms Leading to Relapse
Conflict Management Strategies
Anger Management in Recovery
Mistaken Beliefs About Relapse
Relapse Management Plan
Conquering Self-Pity
Stress Management
Building and Understanding Self-Image
Unconditional Love
Psychological Defense Mechanism
Signs of Maturity
Signs of Maturity
Peace of Mind
Healthy Relationships
How to Get Along with People
O.D.A.P.- Our Devilish Addictive Personality
Money Management
Feeling Words Exercise
Change Your Feelings by Changing Your Thoughts
Assertiveness Communication Exercises
Awareness Wheel
Family Systems - Functional vs. Dysfunctional Families
Family Significance
Setting Boundaries-Codependent Identities
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Personal Responsibility and Accountability
Value of Positive Attitudes
Role of Nutrition & Physical Activity in Recovery
Recognizing and Managing High Risk Situations
Medical Consequences of SUD
Mindfulness-Living in This Moment
Understanding and Utilizing the Twelve Steps
Navigating Recovery
How Well Do You Communicate?
The counselors may share their personal experience with SUD, trauma, spirituality and recovery in an educational setting.
Group therapy sessions are held each day. This allows clients opportunity to deal with and discuss their problems, feelings, attitudes, etc. We do not practice any "hot seat" hard confrontations in group. Each group session is guided by a qualified professional. Clients are challenged and encouraged to share experiences and insights from assignments and receive feedback from fellow clients during group therapy sessions. Many of the topics above are also covered in group therapy and individual and family sessions.
Since individual counseling is very important, each client has a minimum of one individual counseling sessions each week. Clients are encouraged to seek out their counselor and meet with them as often as needed.
Each client attends all presentations group therapy sessions, physical exercise sessions, educational films and other program activities. The client works through steps from the Twelve Step Program individually, and completes Step Five with a spiritual advisor. Other interventions used are a dynamics/process communications educational group facilitated by our psychologist, cognitive behavioral therapy groups and relapse prevention group education, as well as, motivational interviewing in individual sessions. In addition to the general program, an individual treatment plan is written that addresses the needs of each particular client.
In the treatment at New Life Treatment Center the Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous recovery programs play an important role. Therefore, the client is required to attend five A.A./N.A. meetings per week during treatment.
At New Life Treatment Center, we feel that family counseling is imperative to recovery. Family members and other interested parties are involved and/or requested to come one day per week while the chemical dependent person is in treatment. Family day consists of the following parts:
* codependent group therapy sessions
* introduction to Al Anon group attendance
* educational sessions to inform codependents of the value of AA/NA and Al Anon
* educational films
* client and significant others meet with the counselor for therapy session
Throughout the treatment process a discharge plan is formulated. The client may be referred to the county counselors or referral center in his/her local area and/or referred to outpatient services. Housing, medical referrals and mental health follow-up is addressed in the plan. Aftercare following treatment also consists of attendance at A.A./N.A. meetings; each client is strongly encouraged to obtain a sponsor within the A.A./N.A. group and keep in close contact with him/her; each client is expected to attend an Aftercare Growth Group. Every other Thursday, a spouse, family member, or significant other may attend Aftercare with the client. Clients will attend these sessions for at least six months and as along as they desire beyond that time. Individual personal counseling for the client, as well as family counseling and relapse prevention counseling are available to all clients as part of their recovery program.
New Life Treatment Center maintains the privacy of protected health information (HIPAA) and provide individuals with notice of its legal duties and privacy practices with respect to protected health information.